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Historical Prevalence of
Reelected Representatives
in the U. S. House

By Congress and by State
Second through 109th Congress

(Revised: February 18, 2007)

Quantitative Historical Analysis #7

This report describes the extent to which reelected incumbents have comprised the U. S. House of Representatives from 1791 to 2005. Specifically, for each Congress (from the second to the 109th Congresses), the percentage of Representatives who were reelected, from the preceding Congress, is provided by state and in total.
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Additional Resources

“Reelection Rates of Incumbents in the U. S. House”, published by, provides the reelection rates, by Congress and by State for the first through 108th Congress.

“Reelection Rates of Incumbents: 1790 – 1994”, by David C. Huckabee, published by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) on March 8, 1995.
(1,220 KB Adobe PDF)
(Right button click on the link above to download the report.)

“Summary and Comparison of the Data Used by the TTO and CRS Reelection Analyses”, published by, provides the relevant data from the CRS report along with the corresponding TTO data so as to facilitate a comparison of the two. (492 KB Adobe PDF)
(Right button click on the link above to download the report.)
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